Target EURO550

This radar detector is manufactured by Beltronics and it's been very successful designing this excellent device. The receiver is integrated in main housing, so this device is practical for users that often change vehicles. Target Euro550 is capable of detecting all radar and LIDAR devices used by police in Europe, and alerts user using digital display showing the band, signal strength and frequency of detected radar device and also by voice alert.
In some countries that have banned usage of radar detectors, the police is using special radar detector detector (RDD) devices to detect usage of a radar detector in the vehicle. Target Euro550 uses shadow technology to make it completely invisible to RDD devices including Interceptor VG-2.
Take notice that there is a new RDD device Spectre and only radar detector completely invisible to it is BEL STi Driver, which is not intended for distribution in Europe.
Specifications:: X Band:9.41 GHz, 9.9 GHz, 10,525 GHz, 10,600 GHz Ku Band:13.45 GHz K Band:24,125 GHz, 24,150 GHz Ka Narrow Band:34.00 GHz, 34.30 GHz, 34.70 GHz Detection range:On average 200-800 m (depends on weather conditions). Antenna:Die cast horn antenna(and integrated Microstrip Mixer) Power source:13.8 V., car lighter socket Amperage:250 mA DimensionsLengthxWidthxHeight 120x75x33 mm. Weight:240 g. LIDAR detection:360 degrees