Scorpion ULTIMATE Ka ™
Kako za laserska mjerila brzine, tako i za uređaje koji rade na Dopplerovom efektu, postoje protumjere.
Najdjelotvorniji uređaj dolazi iz USA i nosi naziv Scorpion ULTIMATE Ka ™ High Power all bands remote active Radar Cloaking Device and all band remote radar detector.
U slobodnom prijevodu, radardetektor i ometač u jednom uređaju. Za razliku od aktivnog laser ometača, aktivni ometač radara nema certifikat i kao takav definitivno zabranjen za uporabu u HR.
Budući da su ove stranice u prvom redu informativnog karaktera, opisat ćemo što Scorpion sve može iako iskustvo nije iz prve ruke. :)
Što sve može? Proizvođač tvrdi da može ometati na X, K i Ka bandu uključujući "digitalne" i "Instant on" radare. Ovdje moramo upozoriti, budući da je riječ o uređaju namjenjenom za područje USA, da ne ometa 34.3GHz Ka band, dakle ne djeluje na Multanova 6F radarske sustave!
- Konstantno pretraživanje i trenutno ometanje svih radarskih frekvencija korištenih u USA: X, K i Ka (33.8 GHz, 34.7 GHz i 35.5 GHz, ali ne 34.3 GHz)
- Posebni moduli podjeljeni na dvije jedinice - X i K modul i poseban Ka modul
- Montaža u prednju rešetku automobila, potreban prostor veličine 5 1/4 inča širine i 2 inča visine za svaki modul
- Moguće je i postavljanje na komandnu ploču, za one kojima je potreban jedan uređaj u više vozila
- Relativno mala izlazna snaga u svrhu poštivanja FCC pravila opisanih u članku 15
- Moduli se povezuju s odvojeniom radardetektor jedinicom u unutrašnjosti vozila

Power On button with LCD display light
Audio alert when unit detects radar signals
"SNOOZE" button that allows for a 1 minute shut down of the jamming to allow the guns to acquire your speed
Easy plug connecter cables from jammer modules to detector for simple installation
Connecter cables come in standard 10ft length for remote mount functions.
User can also order 5ft or 15ft cabling separately for dash mount or large trucks
Scorpion Jammer Technology is very pleased to announce our new Scorpion "Ultimate" Ka radar jammer and detector. This is the first and only "Active" radar jammer capable of jamming all radar guns used on the X, K and the never before Ka radar frequencies.
The Scorpion "Ultimate" Ka features the unique ability to defeat all analog and digital guns that no passive jammer has ever been able to accomplish at close range or long distance.
The new layout and design of this Scorpion product allows for the long awaited remote mounting capabilities requested by many of our customers.
Two separate modules splitting the X and K into its own plastic waterproof case and a separate Ka module allow for easier placement into open orifices in the front of the car.
These modules can be purchased separately or combined to make the Ultimate radar jammer.
A standard 10ft cable connects the modules to the detector mounted inside the cars interior.
Separate 5 ft or 15ft cables can be purchased additionally for larger trucks or dash mounting.
The detector features power on button and audio alerts with visual LCD display.
Power On button and audio alerts with visual LCD display.
Our favorite feature of the detector has a "SNOOZE" button that will shut the jamming off for a one minute delay and power back on itself so the driver doesn't forget the unit was turned off.
We recommend this feature to allow the radar gun to acquire your speed when you have adjusted to the correct limit and not attract any attention from the gun operator being jammed.
Currently jamming radar is not allowed in OK NE, MN, CA UT and Virginia and the driver is reponsible for use and operation of the jamming unit.
Speed Measurement Labs independently tests all of our products and provides an evaluation report that is available.
Tested by Speed Measurement Laboratories for independent performance evaluation .